who we are

About the GBLIP

About the Grey Bruce LIP

How do we build a more welcoming and inclusive Grey Bruce?
How can we work together to make it easier for newcomers to settle here?

These questions are at the heart of the Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership (GBLIP).

The GBLIP recognizes that immigration will continue to play a key role in the economic future of Grey and Bruce Counties. To support better immigration outcomes, the Partnership administers the GBLIP – a collaborative, community initiative designed to improve the integration of newcomers in Grey Bruce. Launched in June 2020, the GBLIP works at the local level to foster a community that is welcoming and inclusive and to support newcomers in becoming fully engaged in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of Grey and Bruce Counties.

Grey Bruce - About Image

This is achieved through focus on four priority areas:

  • Improving the coordination of settlement and integration services;
  • Raising awareness around the needs of newcomers;
  • Supporting community-level research and planning; and
  • Fostering welcoming communities. 

The GBLIP is one of the many Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) sponsored by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This federal initiative addresses the growing need for systematic community planning around immigrant attraction and retention.

LIPs are underpinned by the understanding that:

  • Newcomers play an important role in the Canadian economy and society
  • In the near future, some industries and regions will depend on immigration to fulfill their labour needs
  • Municipalities and community groups are best positioned to improve settlement and integration outcomes for newcomers
  • The provision of basic settlement services is not sufficient to ensure success – consideration of newcomer needs must be incorporated into all aspects of community planning.
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English Conversation Circles
YMCA Owen Sound Grey Bruce Settlement & Language Services offers English Conversation Circles in Owen Sound at 290 9th Street East on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. The program is also offer in other communities in Grey Bruce including Hanover, Kincardine, Markdale and Walkerton. See the Educate & Celebrate calendar for details.
Newcomer Readiness Project
GBLIP is inviting community stakeholders to complete the WOWC Newcomer Readiness Checklist Survey and help communities determine their capacity to attract and retain new residents, coming from elsewhere in the province, the country or around the globe.