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Diversity & Inclusion in Rural Workplaces in Grey-Bruce Launching Session
Diversity and Inclusion Event Logo

Calling All Employers, Human Resource Professionals and Supervisors to join in an opportunity to make an impact in our community.

On behalf of the Owen Sound and District Chamber of Commerce, Welcoming Communities Grey  Bruce, the YMCA and the Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership, we would like to invite you to the launch session of the new collaboration project. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN RURAL WORKPLACES. 

This project is designed to support employers, human resources professionals and supervisors from all sectors (private and public) to learn how to successfully build connections, and address discrimination by creating positive and meaningful workplaces for racialized people, indigenous communities, and people of colour including new immigrants.

We are delighted to have DR. IZUMI SAKAMOTO Associate Professor at the Factor- Inwentash Faculty of Social Work from the University of Toronto as our Guest speaker.

Please register here:

For questions about the event, please email Adriana Salazar: