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The School of Refl(Act)ion - Beyond Unconscious Bias
School of Refl(Act)ion Logo in red and yellow text, bold header text reads: Beyond unconscious bias, sponsor logos

Grey Bruce Employers and members of the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce are invited to apply for The School of Refl(Act)ion.

Created by the Diversity & Inclusion in Rural Workplace project, and led by the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce and Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce, The School of Refl(Act)ion is a co-learning space designed for difficult conversations about racism and discrimination. The workshop will focus on critical reflection and collective action on successfully building relationships and creating positive and meaningful workplaces for Racialized People, Indigenous Communities, and People of Colour, including New Immigrants.

The program has been designed, piloted, and adjusted from the Critical Workshop Session #1, Beyond Unconscious Bias, to be offered FREE to all Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce members. 


About the Workshop:

  • A three-hour (3h) workshop based on Freire's Critical Consciousness Model. It is highly participatory, interactive and safe for having difficult conversations about racism and discrimination. It is perfect for teams, task groups, crews, committees, and boards, with less than ten people.
  • For Private and Public Employers, HRs & and supervisors. It is available from February 2023 through to August 2023.
  • Delivery by the Diversity project but will be hosted by the Employers. Employers must provide a comfortable and suitable space for the session and be responsible for the registration and confirmation of participants.
  • Considered a Diversity and Inclusion professional development activity to report within your workplace/company/organization
  • Tailored to your workplace, employees and specific reality. After confirming the date and time, a detailed questionnaire will need to be answered to adjust the session to your needs.

 If you are an employer in Grey or Bruce county,  you can apply to host a session here:

For more information, please contact Adriana Salazar: